"Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education is more than just changing the language in textbooks, exams, or what teachers use in class. It's about the power dynamics that challenging learning environment so that students can direct their own learning in a way that is meaningful to them. Education requires the use of the mother tongue as the language of instruction in the classroom, however, it is not about limiting access to national and international languages" (UNESCO, "MTB-MLE" , http://unesdoc.unesco.org /images/0023/002318/231865E.pdf).
According to research conducted in several parts of the world, it is recognized that the mother tongue plays an important role in education. Several countries, such as China, India, the Philippines and Thailand have even implemented their mother tongue as the language of instruction in elementary schools. The results of the implementation show that there has been an increase in student learning achievement.
This encourages SEAQIL to develop a Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education program in Indonesia.
This is our effort and achievement so far.