SEAMEO Regional Center for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Language (SEAQIL) is a regional center established by the Southeast Asia Ministers of Education (SEAMEO) on 13 July 2009.
We focus on developing the quality of language teachers (Indonesian as a Foreign Speaker (BIPA), Arabic, Japanese, German and Mandarin) and educational staff. To be able to implement this optimally, we are committed to always developing the quality of training, seminars, workshops and other services.
In providing quality programs, SEAQIL always innovates to meet the needs of language teachers and education staff for continuous professional development.
Furthermore, SEAQIL strives to maintain and strengthen relationships with other Centers, schools, resource persons, and institutions or people related to improving the quality of education. Thus, SEAQIL continues to collaborate in improving education in the Southeast Asia region.
A center of professional excellence in the field of language education development innovation within the framework of sustainable development in the Southeast Asia region.
Providing quality professional development programs for language teachers through developing learning resources, research and development, as well as increasing capacity and networking.